(973) 325-9111 INFO@TEAMUNITY.CO    Murder Mystery   (973) 325-9111

Program Overview

Framework of the Program:
· We will email a questionnaire detailing anecdotal information about the guests in attendance
· Upon receiving the questionnaire our Script Writer/Director will create “The Story”
· The Director and cast of actors, three (four) in total, arrive at the site well in advance to prepare for the program.

Cast may include:
· The Inspector “Closeau” (or Columbo)
· The Detective, “Sargeant Jack B. Nimble
· The Bodyguard, Ivan Bogienk (former KGB)
· The Maid,/HouseKeeper/Waitress. Martha Glump
· Meeting with the “players” from The Company to review details and verify program
· Produce the Mystery Program
· Determine the “Winning Table”

Benefits & Results





Program Details

Let us create, coordinate and produce a personalized evening of entertainment, intrigue & enjoyment for your event! Take a sit down dinner or a cocktail hour, and turn it into an evening of intrigue, interaction, and participation for all! Our scriptwriter and professional actors will craft a wonderful and authentic mystery personalized to fit your group.

Someone in your group has feared for his life and has hired special security to ensure his safety and health, but to no avail. He, or she, is “done in” at the beginning of dinner, and it’s up to Inspector Clouseau & Detective Jack B. Nimble take over and solve this horrifying, and hilarious, event.

Participants will be integrated into the program as suspects, and will interact accordingly with accusations and interrogations. Guests are pulled into the investigation and instructed to listen carefully to all of the evidence and determine the culprit!

Program Specifications

Murder Mystery


Core objectives touched – Interactive, Communication, Collaboration & Competition


  • Indoor: Yes
  • Outdoor: Yes
  • Group Size: 20 – 300
  • Space Required: Stage
  • Physical/cerebral: Low
  • Time Required: 2 – 3 Hours



  • Icebreaker: Yes
  • Meeting: Yes
  • Cocktails: Yes
  • During Dinner: Yes


CALL OUR TEAM TODAY AT (973) 325-9111

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