Program Overview
Unlike the game show, larger teams can compete by answering general knowledge questions or “customized” questions pertaining to your company content. Challenges for the Team Jeopardy event include general knowledge, puzzles, problem solving and number problems. Participants are broken up into predetermined teams and have a set amount of time to try and make the most points by answering questions correctly. The challenges in each category round increase in value incrementally, ostensibly by difficulty and completion time. Test your trivia knowledge, learn fun new facts while promoting healthy competition!
TeamUnity’s Jeopardy Challenge creates outlets to facilitate good communication skills among employees, as well as being wildly entertaining for both the audience and the participants.
Jeopardy Challenge
Program Details
Engage a large group of your employees with this entertaining homage to Jeopardy! Perfect as an ice breaker or as a way to break up a meeting filled day.
The Jeopardy Challenge includes the basic play of Jeopardy and, in addition, Jeopardy-type Questions or customized questions pertaining to your company content.
The combination of these elements provides an atmosphere that encourages working together and getting to know one another on a different level outside the office setting.
Jeopardy Challenge provides outlets to facilitate good communication skills among employees, as well as being wildly entertaining for both the audience and the participants.
Program Specifications