(973) 325-9111 INFO@TEAMUNITY.CO    Company Feud   (973) 325-9111

Company Feud Video

Program Overview

ach team is comprised of participants who try to match the answers given to survey questions asked to the general public. Engage a large group of your employees, partners, or clients with this entertaining homage to the Family Feud! This is a perfect event to break up a meeting filled day or to create some good ‘ol competition in a fun and laid back atmosphere. Our professional hosts and sound technicians combine forces to provide a game-show experience that nearly mimics the famous show known by all! Oh, and we can light up our set with our lighting package to further spice up the event.

The Company Feud includes the basic play of the “Family Feud” and offers an interactive tablet variation that is used to engage the audience (large groups) and enhance the event for all! The combination of the Feud program and the tablet technology provides an atmosphere that encourages working together and getting to know one another on a different level outside of the office setting

Team Unity’s Company Feud creates outlets to facilitate good communication skills among employees, as well as being wildly entertaining for both the audience and the participants.

Company Feud

Program Details

  • Objective

    Engage a large group of your employees with this entertaining homage to the Family Feud! Perfect as an ice breaker or as a way to break up a meeting filled day.

  • Execution

    The “Company Feud” includes the basic play of the “Family Feud” and, in addition, includes an array of Brain Teasers and Puzzles; Jeopardy-type Questions and may also include “Name That Tune!” The combination of these elements provides an atmosphere that encourages working together and getting to know one another on a different level outside the office setting.

  • Results

    The Company Feud provides outlets to facilitate good communication skills among employees, as well as being wildly entertaining for both the audience and the participants.

Program Specifications


  • Interactive
  • Competition
  • Communication






Group Size:

10 – 400


Physical – low

Time Required:

1 – 1.5 Hours

Ideal For:

During Dinner:








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